If you’ve ever seen little crystals in your urine, you may have wondered what they were. Chances are good that they were calcium oxalate crystals. These tiny crystals can be a sign that something is wrong with your urinary system, and it’s important to know how to diagnose and treat them. In this blog post, we will discuss the causes of calcium oxalate crystals in urine, how to diagnose them, and how to treat them.

Different Causes Of Calcium Oxalate Crystals In Urine

There are many different things that can cause calcium oxalate crystals to form in the urine. One of the most common causes is dehydration. When your body doesn’t have enough fluids, it will start to pull water from other sources, including your urine. This can make your urine more concentrated and more likely to form crystals.

Other common causes of calcium oxalate crystals include:

  • A diet high in animal protein
  • A diet high in salt
  • Certain medical conditions, such as renal tubular acidosis or hyperparathyroidism
  • Certain medications, such as thiazide diuretics

How To Diagnose Calcium Oxalate Crystals In Urine

If you see crystals in your urine, it’s important to talk to a doctor. They will likely ask about your medical history and do a physical exam. They may also order urine tests or imaging tests to rule out other causes of the crystals.

Treatment For Calcium Oxalate Crystals In Urine

The treatment for calcium oxalate crystals depends on the underlying cause. If dehydration is the cause, then increasing your fluid intake is the most important thing you can do. You should also avoid foods that are high in animal protein or salt. If another medical condition is causing the crystals, then treating that condition will be necessary. Medications may also be prescribed to help prevent calcium oxalate crystals from forming in the urine.

In addition, there are some things you can do to help prevent calcium oxalate crystals from forming in the urine. These include:

  • Drinking plenty of fluids every day
  • Avoiding foods that are high in animal protein or salt
  • Take medications as prescribed by your doctor


Calcium oxalate crystals in the urine can be a sign of an underlying medical condition. If you see crystals in your urine, talk to your doctor. They will likely order tests to rule out other causes and may prescribe medications to help prevent calcium oxalate crystals from forming in the urine. You can also help prevent calcium oxalate crystals by drinking plenty of fluids daily and avoiding foods high in animal protein or salt. Thanks for reading! We hope this blog post has been helpful.